The summer and fall have been so wonderful and full of beauty it is hard for me to see the season change. However, change it must and today is much colder with a skiff of snow on the lawn. I wish I could say my garden was ready for winter. I do have the potatoes in and the cucumbers got nipped some time ago, but the tomatoes! This has been tomato year and I have been much too busy with the mission to keep up. I'm sure there are numberless globes of yellow, orange, and red out there on the verge of freezing if not already frozen. Plus, there are countless green tomatoes that, normally, I would create yummy creations from but this year will be wasted.
Even though much of the bounty of the earth under my stewardship has gone to waste this year, I hope and pray that the bounty of our mission service has not. We have met such wonderful people and have come to love them all dearly. Some have moved away and not kept in touch. Some have returned to church and happy activity. Some are still dragging their feet saying they should do it and someday, maybe. Some like us to come for the visit but have no intention of changing their lives.
And that is the crux of the matter -- change. How many of us really like change anyway? We settle into a comfort nest and even though there may be sticks and stones that trip us and poke us we wedge ourselves in and figure that is as good as it gets. Then, when someone wants us to move out of our comfort nest, we resist. They may tell us how much more comfortable, how much more satisfying the new spot will be but we are so settled in our space that it is hard to imagine. Plus, we've made friends with those in our vicinity. If we leave, will anyone else like us the same as they have? Often it is friends that keep us in our place. Often it's friends that keep us from rising above like crabs in a pot, we pull each other back.
So I look out the window today and wonder what I'll do about the new weather outside. Then I'll go find warmer clothes and get ready for the day.