Monday, December 20, 2010

And So It Continues

It's amazing what touch can do.
As the therapist works to ease
muscles warped by stress and pain
I am assailed by smells
of hot desert sand
and sagebrush
even though that sense has been lost
over forty years now.

It's amazing what sound will do
when the chords of a hymn
release warm memory
of star-filled sky when we sang
an exuberant anthem
of universal glory.
Song remembered over millennia of time
by hearts that hear.

karla freckleton burkhart
december 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010


It's nice to have Christmas in the winter even though the birth was in the spring. We need something to celebrate in the dark time of the year and what could be better than to celebrate the Prince of Light?

In 1992 the Tabernacle Choir went to Israel. We left the morning of the 26th and were there until January 6 of 1993. Israel is an interesting place on many levels. We were making a video so we traveled to several spots but one very revealing spot was Shepherd's Field. We were taken to a place not usually visited by tourists so that we could film without spectators. I had always imagined the place as rolling green hills, a few trees, a peaceful place. Instead was steep, craggy, rocky hills with very little grass and only twisted, stunted trees.

Not the place familiar to imagination but when we stepped off the buses we all knew, without exception, we had been there before. Indeed, all mankind was there. We were the multitudes. When the choir sand that December day, the hills echoed all around and was heard up and down the valley.

With something as spectacular as angel song, why weren't more people aware? Simply because they weren't looking. Remember, there hadn't been any prophets for a long time. No one was reminding people of the signs of the Messiah's birth. Although, I'm sure there were a few sincere people, most were just looking at day to day life.

On this continent the prophets were telling of the wonders. Samuel was giving bulletins right up to the time of the birth. There were a lot of people in the know. Even those who were denying woke up to facts when the signs began. Nothing like losing a night and having a strange bright star to catch your attention if you're even slightly aware.
Yet, the star was also seen in Palestine. Why weren't they aware? And, are we aware today of the signs being given. You see, if people aren't looking spiritual signs, anything can be explained. And indeed, God does work by natural laws so I'm sure there are scientific explanations for today's signs. But, that does not make them any less valid.

The fact is, that a child was born. Not in a gentle environment where cleanliness prevailed and the mother was attended. But in a shelter where animals lived. A child grew. Not in a spacious home. Not even as nice a home as a very small home of today. But still, a home where he was taught and loved. It was a very poor family as evidenced by the custom of presenting the first born in the temple and giving a lamb as the passover sacrifice and a dove to signify peace. If the family was very, very poor, they could give two doves instead of a lamb. It's significant that Mary and Joseph did this. They were poor, alone, and unpopular. Jesus was always the lowest of the low. We are told that He descended below all. His whole life was like that.

He did all this willingly in love. Yet even today, people reject Him. DC 88:33.
When people reject the gift they are rejecting the very one who can give them life. They are rejecting once more the babe. Luke 1:7 says it was not just that there was no room in the inn but it says there was no room for them in the inn. They were rejected even at the time of the birth of our Lord.

When you have a very bad day, as we all do at times, remember, his days were always full of rejection and disappointment. He couldn't even be homesick – he had no home. He could have given up. He had the power. He never gave up. We must not give up. When we focus on the things that go wrong in our lives we are actually directing ourselves toward that goal. What we think determines what we do. So many of our mistakes are because of our own skewed perspective. We keep making mistakes, not because God wants us to be miserable but because we are directing our thinking to that result. We must program our minds to follow in His steps. we need to accept responsibility for whatever is going on in our life. If our experiences are based on thoughts and emotions we have chosen in the past, then we are responsible for our thoughts in the present. You are the one who thinks your thoughts. Your thoughts do not think you. Our Father gave us Choice and Accountability. It is up to us to fill our thoughts with the positive. His time on Earth was spent looking forward at eternity. We must focus the same way.

Our perception of something going wrong is just that, a perception, and that is all. It may be a misguided perception based on a lack of understanding or on false beliefs. In the bigger scheme of things, in God's perspective, Nothing EVER goes “wrong”. God does not make mistakes. He is not “out to get someone.” He does not have it in for anyone because they are bad. His creation is perfect and the goal of His creation never wavers. It is, has been, and always will be perfect, precise, and unfailing ALL the time. It is only when our wrong perceptions stir up emotions that attract circumstances that you perceive life as “going wrong.”

It is important that you express and recognize gratitude for the fact that everything in your life is a miracle and you are part of the creation of your life.

My perception of any event or circumstance is based on a memory of something in the past that I've stored subconsciously and that can be consciously changed if it is not in harmony with what I wish to accomplish.

A child was born. We can live in eternal joy if we really desire.