Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Well I finally got a picture to post. It's frustrating when I think I know what I'm doing but it won't work. I just don't have the time to play around. Some days I think the paper work on this mission is going to get me. However it is a necessary thing because when we don't keep up with it, we are lost!

The people we are meeting are so great I don't want to risk losing any of them.


Laurel Lee Pedersen said...

So fun to see your blog and pictures! It will be fun to follow you on your mission. I'm deep in newfamilysearch and trying to clean up about 5000 names for my family reunion in July. Kent is still working so I am keeping busy.

Sharon said...

Your blog looks wonderful! I'll follow it to find out how much good you're doing...and how much fun you're having:-)

Buzybugs said...

What a great picture, so glad to be able to read your blog.