Thursday, December 29, 2011

It's 4:00 in the Morning!

Some nights just are too short. Either that, or my brain is too small. When I wake up at 3am and there is no more sleep because my brain will not quit racing, I wish for a peaceful place or maybe a bigger hammer. My sister sent be a CD for Christmas that is supposed to help you meditate and relax. Normally it works fine but not this morning. Why can't I have an "off" button to the mind. I feel stretched in all directions and no solutions in sight. On the other hand, maybe, just maybe, if the stress were to lessen I might have nothing to keep me erect and I would melt to a blob on the floor. What a nice relaxful thought!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Love my iPod for that very reason. Set it to 15 minutes of podcasts, plug in one ear phone and I never hear it shut off. The dialogue blocks my ability to think.