Saturday, January 21, 2012


Today is the perfect day to be inside by a warm fireplace sipping licorice herb tea. Only yesterday the temperature was so mild I didn't even need a coat. Today started out with copious amount of rain followed by heavy snow. The change is almost too abrupt to stand. I've become used to sliding into things, not thrust head-long. The weather this year has become very unpredictable. Whoever would expect to have Southern California winter weather in December and January? December set a new record for lack of moisture. Yes, we had more than enough last year but we don't have storage space so all that water went to waste. We don't have it now.

And, what is it about doves? I've often doubted their intelligence but today, in a heavy snowstorm, there are eleven doves sitting on the back fence. Why don't they hide in the pine tree like the other birds. It's a big tree. Plenty of room for all. Are they so hungry they must stand watch over the bird feeder? They seem to think it is their own domain. Most of the time there is at least one or two perched on top. It's not that they forbid other birds from eating there. It's just that they seem to think they can live there. It's not just a diner to them. The only bird they will step aside for is the large flicker that comes to peck.

I'm grateful that the winds have died down. Sleeping was hard with fists of wind pounding the side of the house all night. The forecast seems to change often as if the forecaster doesn't really believe we are finally getting a lot of snow. Maybe winter is really here at last. We have yet to really have cold weather that will nullify all the molds of autumn. I'm just glad I'm inside with a fire and my mug of tea.

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