Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Beginning Again

The future comes at a steady rate--sixty minutes an hour--whether we are prepared or not. The old saying is still good, "Be the change you want to see in the world." How are we using the precious minutes we are given? This time of year brings a feeling of optimism to many people. And well it should. Being able to start over in some way gives a feeling of hope. It is a time to think of goals and assess what we did in the past. If we fail to look at the past we will not benefit from the experience and the past becomes the future for good or ill.

A good way to find a worthy goal is to ask yourself: What attribute of the Savior would I like most to become part of my life that would do the most good to me and to those around me?

As I ask myself that I am struck with the thought that I should be more focused on others. Instead of secluding myself when I relax, I could be doing something to make it easier for others to also find calmness.

Try reading the scriptures and note the attributes of Christ. Then see which of those would benefit you the most.

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