Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Time

We attended a wonderful Christmas missionary conference today. Good music, good food, and Elder Steven E. Snow and his wife to speak to us.

As President Hinckley once said at a missionary conference, "It's a wonderful thing you are doing but it's the least you can do." That applies to all those who are not full-time missionaries as well as those who are.

The birth of Christ was something so wonderful the world would never be the same. Just think of the circumstances of His birth. He was born in a cave used by animals. The flies alone must have been incessant plus the smells that attracted the flies. Now think, how often do we make room for Him in our hurried world.

Sister Snow talked about her collection of creches and the meanings of the parts. The star was set in place at the creation in order to be ready for the foretold event. Do we as individuals let our light shine as an influence to others?

The shepherds when they heard the glorious message came with haste and joy, not slowly. They made known what they saw and felt. Do we make known to others what we know?

The wise men listened and learned from the Spirit. Do we notice the signs and do we give our gifts of time and talents to God?

Joseph, quiet, humble Joseph. He gently followed the right even though others doubted. He taught the young boy and prepared Him.

Mary--noble and great raised and counseled the Savior. She pondered in her heart which means that she thought about what she was doing and what was happening. How often do we pause to really think of what is important?

The holy babe, the center of the nativity should be the center of our life. How many people leave Him in the manger at Christmas time and live life without the rest of the year?

And yet, the real miracle of Christmas is the Atonement. There is no other foundation to our world that has more meaning. Elder Steven E. Snow of the First Quorum of the Seventy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints said he thinks of the levels of Christmas. The first is "Jingle Bells" the superficial, the Santa Clause, the tree, the lights, the "fun" stuff. The next level is "Silent Night" which is the birth of the Savior. The third level is the greatest gift of all, the Atonement when He took not only the sins but the pains and afflictions, the suffering and the infirmities of the world.

His church has been fully restored. We can bear testimony of this. We can sing with the angels that Christ is born and lives to love and guide us today.

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